My wife and I were discussing
this book earlier today when the thought came to mind, "Why do we talk to our children about the gospel like Joel Osteen and adults like John Piper." What I mean by this is we treat our unregenerate children as if they are regenerate and just need to know how to live victoriously and we treat unregenerate adults like they are unregenerate and need a Savior. Isn't this the height of hypocrisy? Isn't it folly to treat our children in this manner? Would we not tell a lost stranger of how hopeless they are and how desperately they need Christ if they are to be freed from their sins and an eternity in hell? Why then, do we neglect the gospel of Christ when it comes to our children? Are we so vain as to think that because they are our children they get a free pass? Shouldn't we be working harder to make our children understand the gospel than we do a stranger? It seems to me that the way I currently treat my children with respect to the gospel is less loving than the way I treat a total stranger. It seems to me that this is a grave sin. May God grant us repentance and favor in this matter and may we love our children enough to preach the gospel to them regularly.
Good Reminder.
Thanks for the comment.
If I talked to my children about the Gospel like Paul Washer talks to me about it, my wife would slap me. ;)
Thats great Blake! I hope you get slapped soon :-)
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