Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Gospel and Children; Joel Osteen or John Piper?

My wife and I were discussing this book earlier today when the thought came to mind, "Why do we talk to our children about the gospel like Joel Osteen and adults like John Piper." What I mean by this is we treat our unregenerate children as if they are regenerate and just need to know how to live victoriously and we treat unregenerate adults like they are unregenerate and need a Savior. Isn't this the height of hypocrisy? Isn't it folly to treat our children in this manner? Would we not tell a lost stranger of how hopeless they are and how desperately they need Christ if they are to be freed from their sins and an eternity in hell? Why then, do we neglect the gospel of Christ when it comes to our children? Are we so vain as to think that because they are our children they get a free pass? Shouldn't we be working harder to make our children understand the gospel than we do a stranger? It seems to me that the way I currently treat my children with respect to the gospel is less loving than the way I treat a total stranger. It seems to me that this is a grave sin. May God grant us repentance and favor in this matter and may we love our children enough to preach the gospel to them regularly.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Really great quote

"Should the sun refuse to shine; should the showers refuse to descend; should the earth refuse to bring forth food; or should trees in a fruitful soil continue barren; would you not say that it was contrary to nature and to the design of their creation; and that since they no longer fulfilled this design, they might properly be reduced to nothing again? And do you not see that while you refuse to praise God, your conduct is equally unnatural, and that you may justly be made the monuments of his everlasting displeasure? What would only be unnatural in inanimate creatures, is the height of folly and wickedness in us; because we are capable of knowing our duty, and are under innumerable obligations to practice it. Let the sun then refuse to shine, the showers descend, and the earth to be fruitful; but let not rational creatures refuse to praise their Creator, since it is the purpose for which they were created."

- Edward Payson (1783-1827) from Legacy of a Legend

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Book Review: Growing Your Faith by Jerry Bridges

I just got finished reading the book Growing Your Faith by Jerry Bridges. I had not read any of his previous works, but when I picked this title up to look at it, it really grabbed my attention and I'm glad it did. He took chapters from his previous books, put some newer material with it, and had a ready-made handbook for spiritual growth. I look forward to reading some of his other works such as, The Pursuit of Holiness.
This work concentrates on spiritual growth in practical ways but his focus is always on the foundation of growth, that is, grace. We are to strive for growth but unless the Lord gives the increase we labor in vain. We have to rely on His grace to give us the righteousness of Christ, but also work in us with the power of Christ. In all of our striving we must rest on Christ's grace to us.
I love the way he encourages the believer to grow in Christ and to rely on Christ to give growth. I really liked his definition of grace: "God's favor through Christ to people who deserve His disfavor." I also really liked what he had to day about dependence: "We are dependent upon the righteousness of Christ for our acceptance with God, and we are dependent on the power of Christ for our ability to pursue spiritual growth."
I recommend this book to all believers both old and new. It is definitely refreshing to those of us who have been Christians for a long time and it would be a great start for new believers.
God bless and happy reading.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Leaks Revisited

So today I got up early and waited on a handy-man to arrive. He got under the house and looked at the pipe that was leaking last night. When he got out from under the house he informed me that the piping had never been glued together. The house was put on the lot in 1998...it had been that way for ten years and didn't leak until this past weekend. He got under the house and fixed it and only charged us 25 dollars. Shortly after he left...it broke again. We had water spraying everywhere under our house all over again. I had to go turn off the water again, etc. We called him back and he came and fixed it all over again. This time it stuck...so far :-) It ended up being very simple to fix and didn't take very long, but we couldn't have gotten a deal like that from a plumber. I'm just glad I'm finally be able to take a shower and flush the toilets.

By the way, our handy-man is only 79 years old.